Friday, June 24, 2011

A republican and evangelical Christian, former Iowa state Senator Jeff Angelo supports marriage equality

Rev. Steve Parelli
Albany, NY
June 20, 2011
Photo by Kelly Mapes
Posted by Rev. Stephen Parelli
Bronx, NY
June 24, 2011

Another leading republican and evangelical for Marriage Equality

According to an article by Loren A. Olson (M.D. - Psychiatrist) in yesterday's The Huffington Post (dated June 23, 2011), entitled Iowa Republicans for Marriage Equality,
"former Iowa state Senator Jeff Angelo launched Iowa Republicans for Freedom whose mission is to change the hearts and minds of Iowa's social conservatives who currently oppose marriage equality.
"Angelo was a three-term state Senator who did not seek reelection in 2008. He has not always been on the side of same-sex marriage. Five years ago, Angelo, an evangelical Christian, co-sponsored a bill to amend the state's constitution to prohibit marriage between same-sex couples. Now he says that his views have evolved because of his relationships with Iowans who have families with same-sex couples. Angelo has said that he believes his new position is consistent with basic GOP values: individual freedom, limited government, and the pursuit of happiness."
Editor's Personal Note: I grew up evangelical and up-state NY republican.  So then -- I'm so excited when I see the religious political conservative person shift in his/her thinking. It has been, in large part, my mission to focus on "people like me" in telling my story. Putting a face on homosexuality within the community in which I grew up. (Jose, my spouse, also grew up evangelical.) - Steve Parelli

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